or not?
MR. DENIS DE VLAMING: Present, you can
see him in the video.
THE COURT: I don’t recall that you do.
MS. RIVELLINI: Not the taken --
THE COURT: I don’t recall seeing him in
that segment. We might want to look at that one again,
because I ruled that that comes in with the understanding
that he was there. Okay, and if I am confused about that
I want to make sure that we clear that up. Okay. So the
Slaughter video comes in, the Slaughter part of the
Clearwater incident, and I ruled and said that all of
those come in, but I wasn’t specific about that part of
it, and that was made an issue in that hearing. My
intention is that it happened that day, it’s part and
parcel, it goes to state of mind, it comes in. It is
relevant. Okay. I want to make sure that you all are
clear on that point, because I was not sufficiently clear
in my order. Okay. All right, well, let’s hear from Mr.
Oliver. I think that is where we go.
MS. RIVELLINI: It is, Judge. The only
issue that we have not had time to address because we
didn’t know that you would let us proffer this early is I
have some documentation that I would asking Mr. Oliver to
identify and perhaps introduce. So I have not had time