Q What city do you live in?
A I live in Miami, Florida.
Q When did you move there?
Q What do you do for a living?
A I am a graphic designer.
Q How long have you been doing that?
A I have been doing graphics for about ten years.
Q Were you also a member of the Church of
A Yes, I was.
Q When was that?
A I joined the Church of Scientology in June of
1986. I left the Church of Scientology officially in
1992, I believe, November.
Q Did you leave on general good terms or bad
A I left on what would be considered by the
church on bad terms.
Q Do you know that reason?
A I was given a document by the Church of
Scientology, which is called a “Declare”, which states
that I can no longer be a Scientologist because of some
type of offense that they believe I committed.

Q Okay. Did you actually receive a document