Q Are people consistently followed?
A Yes. I myself was on a surveillance of two
subjects for three days non-stop while I was in
Q When somebody is followed are they given one of
those check lists on exactly what to carry out?
A The lead person, whoever is handling the
investigation on the individual is the one that runs the
program out in the field and they actually at that
particular time are telling people what they have to do.
For example, when we were on a surveillance in California
we were three teams of private investigators and we spent
three days outside of a home surveilling two subjects
that were identified as suppressive persons by the Church
of Scientology.
Q Okay. You have had a chance to review some
video tapes depicting Mr. Minton picketing on several
occasions, is that correct?
A Yes, I have.
Q Could you tell from watching those videos what
was going on as far as by the members of Scientology?
A Because there is such a potential for
litigation anything that has to do with the type of
activities Mr. Minton is involved in, such as picketing
the organization, the members themselves don’t make any