Technical Bulletins from 1970 cases, published in l977
These were Sea Org
members on board the ship Apollo with Hubbard the Captain. In each of
these cases, L. Ron Hubbard acts as the Ivory Tower case supervisor,
reading reports from the auditor and giving instructions on how to
handle a crew member displaying psychosis. The bulletins are mostly
Hubbard instructions on what the auditor should do, and the auditor
reporting what happened when the instructions were applied to the crew
member. I believe these cases were a part of the “research” that Hubbard
used to formulate the Introspection Rundown he developed in 1973, and
that was used on Lisa McPherson.
Research Case 1 October 14 through November 18, 1970
A woman who was
causing problems for staff. She was placed in isolation even though she
kept saying “I want to leave and handle my divorce.” She complained of
physical pains. The auditor writes that she had a “psychotic break.” LRH
writes “Probably an institution history, probably a drug-addict.”
“the MO being ordered
to put her to complete bed rest. Off post, off duty. Isolated.” “She
wishes to leave. She will fall directly into the hands of psychiatry in
the US.” “She should continue in isolation.”
There is no
explanation of the final resolution of this case
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Research Case 2 October 12, to January 30, 1971
A highly trained OT
III who wanted to leave the Sea Org. Physical ailments like swollen
glands and headaches.
“I keep saying that I
don't want to be here... I want to leave.”
She was given Vitamin
B injections against her will. Hubbard writes “3 to 10 days is the
isolation destimulate period.”
In auditing she is
asked “have you been implanted to harm us?”
On Nov. 19 Hubbard
writes “we can lift her from complete isolation now. But not on duty
Case ends with her
doing better but still having trouble
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Research case 3, October 11, 1970 to January 11, 1971
“I've got this
inclination to leave.” Has been upset, feeling ill (seasickness).
Hubbard writes
“Potential blow. ISOLATE.”
The person writes “The
thing that basically ARC breaks me is the idea that when someone wants
to leave 'it must be because of...' or 'all instances of... stem from.'
It seems to contradict the idea that there are no absolutes in this
“I know our way is the
only way out. Yet I want to leave & work from another point.”
“I am starting to go
psychotic thinking I might be psychotic! Please don't keep me back here
too-much longer.”
The auditor states
“Late in the session he crushed the [e-meter] cans so he couldn't be
audited further and after doing so 3 times the auditor ran out of cans.
At one point he fought with the auditor.”
The person writes “I
can't imagine what kind of gains you expect me to make from auditing
when, after each session I am returned to isolation – a situation which
is causing me both physical and mental anguish at this point. I want to
get on a routing form and return to LA.”
Hubbard writes “The
Medical Officer is not likely to let you travel while in a destructive
frame of mind as you would come to harm on the way home. When you can be
certified as out of danger by the Medical Officer you will of course be
routed out of the SO and Scientology and may proceed anywhere you like
at your expense.”
The person continually
asks to be let out of isolation.
Dec. 17 Hubbard writes
“Take him out of isolation.”
Dec. 29 auditor writes
“He's still wanting to leave.”
Hubbard writes
“Research is the reason we keep auditing him.”
“He may still be on
the final note states
that the person was let go and was about to board a plane to LA when he
changed his mind and decided to remain in the Sea Org.
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research case 4, October 19 through 1970 through January 10, 1971
A man who states “I
want to help Scn but don't want to be in SO,” and “even if I didn't have
overts I wouldn't want to be here.”
“I'm just getting fed
up being treated like a nut in isolation.”
Hubbard sends
questions back for the auditor to ask, including “How successfully have
you been in betraying this group?”
When the auditor asks
Hubbard if the person can be let out of isolation, Hubbard replies “No.
It wd be a major change. Complete the O/Ws.”
After evaluating later
auditing, Hubbard writes “Confirms people wanting to leave are still
End of document has
Hubbard saying “He may go. Trust he signed the note etc.”
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Research Case 5, October 12, 1970 to February 11, 1971
This person was
“chronically ill” and “frequently in ethics trouble.”
Hubbard later responds
“This case is actually negative on physical ills. This makes it total
Auditor notes “ARC
Break, from GF, on not being able to get anyone to duplicate her reality
on wanting to leave taken to clean.”
December 26 the person
is no longer in isolation, and states she feels better. The auditor says
“coming off the medicine did it.”
the end of the report
states that she is improved and allowed to go on a 3-week mission.
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Research case 6, December 12, 1970 to February 23, 1971
the person complained
of being ill and having trouble sleeping.
The auditor writes
“She is in the isolation area at present but her exact status there is
not determined.”
One of the questions
Hubbard tells the auditor to ask, “What have you done that would make us
kill you if we found out?”
On January 19 Hubbard
wrote in all caps “REMOVE FROM ISOLATION.”
The person was
self-auditing using Hubbard's book “History of Man.”
On February 11 the
auditor discovered the person had been sniffing acetone.
The person was put
back on post, with the final note stating “The case did however provide
invaluable research data.”
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Research case 7, January 19, 1972 to March 1, 1972
This person had been
feeling ill and weak, was coughing and having sleep and eating problems.
On January 31 the case
supervisor writes “Get him onto MO Orders and policed to get food, sleep
and vitamins. Urgent.” He was given sleeping pills and aspirin.
On February 8 Hubbard
wrote “If you can get a psycho to cool off (destimulate) so he can sleep
and eat then he will gradually come out of it.”
The person was put on
deck detail to give him a new environment and have physical labor make
him more able to sleep.
Later Hubbard
complained that the person was moved to other duties and given a
stimulant by other staff who didn't know the program the person was on.
“Mishandling cross orders, alter-is do not belong on a psycho case.
CALM, employed, smooth handling, no restim is the answer. Not frantic
psychiatric upsets or environmental nonsense.”
On Feb. 11 Hubbard
wrote “CONTINUE NIACINIMIDE 1000-2000 mg mornings only. Heavy calcium &
magnesium when in bed in evening.”
The MO reported the
person “has continual pirate pictures going on in his head. He can
apparently control them if he keeps his attention fixed elsewhere.”
Later the auditor said this was cleared up.
In the final note the
program was declared a success in this case, and the person was allowed
leave to deal with issues with his mother.