12/22 Diaries offer vignettes of Scientologist's
By CHERYL WALDRIP/of The Tampa Tribune
DALLAS - Among the few possessions Lisa McPherson's family retrieved from her Osceola
Avenue apartment were three diaries, which she kept sporadically.
The following passages provide a glimpse of McPherson's personality, including her
struggle to define herself, her appreciation for her health, her passion for dancing and
love for her mother.
-- -- --
Today is Saturday, the 29th of May (1993). ... John ignited an old gas flame I thought
was long ago out. I quit smoking. I loved smoking and quit in case he ever passed my way
again and should want to kiss me. That says something.
I cried at Michael Bolton songs that we had never shared. I kept him in my thoughts
every conscious moment. I hated sleeping because it was time away from him. ...
In all the other relationships I can recall I've suffered from the same thing, which is
``how can I be exactly the person you will want?'' That was a miserable way to go about
it. Being careful not to say the wrong thing, what a trap. So I chucked that whole idea
and decided to be who I was. ...
-- -- --
May 30, 1993
It was January when my back started failing me. February I went to a specialist and was
ordered to get an MRI. I did and discovered I had a herniated disc. I wouldn't stop
dancing, and I took an oral steroid that helped ease the pain.
This has been the longest two months of my life. I am forced to slow down, and I don't
like it. I'm definitely on the downhill side of it now. In a way I may be fortunate to
have gone through this. I know what not having my health is like, and I appreciate mine a
lot more. I learned who my friends were.
-- -- --
June 10, 1993
(Mom) Bless her heart, she got sick as a dog, and now she's starting over. ... We have
never been closer. I love her a lot.
-- -- --
June 13, 1993
I went dancing at Cowboys and had a great time.
-- -- --
Aug. 14, 1993
Went to see The Fugitive with Bren. We ate at Chili's first then went to the movie. I
was disappointed in it, but I love Harrison Ford. ... Yesterday I had to tell my neighbor
that Casper (her cat) was killed. She was as upset as I was. I miss my kitty. I think I am
going to get another one. A kitten this time.
-- -- --
Sept. 2, 1993
The baby kitty is driving me crazy! She fell in the toilet this morning. I do not have
a moment's peace at home hardly.
-- -- --
Sept. 6, 1993
Brenda and I went to Wild West to dance. We had a great time, I can't remember when we
had more fun. I met a guy, Jerry, and we danced the night away - he was a 3 stepper. I
kept up with him. I liked him because he was tall. He had a great sense of humor and
seemed to like me.
-- -- --
Oct. 27, 1993
What an eventful 8 or so weeks! I finished my LOC last week! Yea! I got a lot sorted
out on my first and second dynamics as a result. Now I'm on NED and hope to be clear soon.
I'm going to Chicago next week.
-- -- --
March 12, 1994
Went to New York New York (a nightclub) with the girls - had blast!
-- -- --
March 26, 1994
Randie did my hair, and then Gi and I went to the mall. Later went to the Sandcastle to
hear Jan sing, but she didn't so I didn't stay. Randie took me dancing and WE HAD A BLAST!
God this man can dance - we didn't get home until 1:00. We stayed up talking to almost 3.
-- -- --
March 31, 1994
I worked my butt off today, but it seemed like the harder I worked, the further behind
I got!
-- -- --
April 1, 1994
I'm going through some changes at work, and that's pretty frustrating. Bren and I
booked a trip to Dallas. ...