people have been on for several years.
Q Okay. Other than reading materials does it
require any other specialized training or knowledge?
A You have to listen to video tapes and actually
demonstrate that you have understood the materials that
you have listened to to show your confidence in that
particular area of what ever course that you have done.
Q Okay, and you did that?
A Yes, I did.
Q When you are part of Scientology and you take
these classes, and you receive these certificates do you
move up, what I will call a ladder?
A Yes. The structure of Scientology is two-fold.
On the one side is what they refer to as processing,
which is their type of spiritual counseling, and you move
up different levels. They call this a bridge. The other
side is the training side, which trains you in the
processes and techniques, and that the other side of the
bridge where you receive -- you go up different levels
Q Did you essentially move up the ladder in both?
A Different individuals move more or less on
different sides, depending on what your side is. Because
I was in an administrative position I moved up on the
counseling side, if you will. But the training I