No problem.
MR. POPE: That’s certainly an extra copy of
the petition that has all of the exhibits attached to it.
THE COURT: Give him a chance to look at it.
MR. MERRETT: If I could make a suggestion.
Rather than having the one Scientology just passed over the
bar be made an exhibit, if we could rely on the one in the
court file.
THE COURT: Said, done. Thank you very much.
Let’s proceed. As soon as the clerk gets here, I will have
her stamp these -- I’m going to make this Composite Exhibit
Number 1.
MR. POPE: Your Honor, I have already provided
Counsel with copies of what I have marked as Exhibits E, F
and G. These are three police reports. E is dated May 25.
F is June 18. And G is June 20 with respect to matters
that have occurred relative to your injunction since I
filed the motion to extend the time.
THE COURT: And those are Exhibits E, F and G?
MR. POPE: Yes, sir. And I have certified
copies of those here, and I have provided copies to
MR. MERRETT: Your Honor, with respect to
Exhibit E, this is a self-serving statement by a
Scientology officer or employee about an internet posting,