and I’m just trying to do some advanced planning here.
MR. MERRETT: If I could respectfully suggest
that the application or the hesitation might better be the
next time.
I mean, I’m not sure where my client is
supposed to get one of these cards. We’ve been trying for
several weeks to find out who gives them out and nobody
will tell us. Obviously judges don’t issue them.
THE COURT: No, no. Check with the court
administrator, Bill Lockhart’s office. Check with him.
And you all try and work something else for this particular
case and see if we can come up with our own little ground
MR. MERRETT: Well, my suggestion would be that
he would remain in position in the second row of the
gallery and not get in anybody’s way and not shine any
lights on anybody.
MR. POPE: Your Honor --
MR. MERRETT: I beg your pardon, Counsel.
MR. POPE: Go ahead.
MR. MERRETT: I just want to make it clear that
obviously you’re dealing with a two-tiered First Amendment
issue here. In the first place, there’s a First Amendment
issue regarding his ability to make tapes of the