you’re certainly afforded that opportunity.
MR. POPE: Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor,
let me just summarize the relief that we’re seeking here
The Court issued an injunction -- an amended
temporary injunction
-- on December 2, 1999. At the time,
there were only two parties to the proceeding, Mr. Howd,
the Petitioner, and Mr. Minton, the Respondent.
On February the 15th, 2000, you entered an
order granting in part and denying in part Petitioner’s
motion for clarification and alternative motion to add
What that order did was it expanded the scope
of the injunction and added as parties the McPherson
Corporation as well as Mr. Bunker and Mr. Prince and
Mr. Ward, so we had four additional parties added.
And the essence was that we had a problem over
on Waterson Avenue which needed to be addressed, and that
was the focus of that proceeding, and that has basically
been the focus of subsequent proceedings.
On March 1, 2000, the Respondents asked me to
agree -- which I did -- to allow them to pass back and
forth through the safety zone in their automobiles as long
as there was no engagement, and we agreed to that as a
reasonable modification.