1 THE COURT: Mr. Howie...
2 there be given copies of it...
3 evidence...
4 A. Well, the Lisa McPherson Trust has outlined ...
5 MR. HOWIE: Thank you. No further questions...
6 to authenticate it. It hasn’t been properly authenticated...
7 hand, Your Honor...
8 “And we have this technical fact. Those wh...
9 Q. Did you mean these words...
10 Q. All right. Mr. Minton, so your program is tha...
11 Q. Let me simplify the question, Mr. Minton. As soo...
12 A. That’s correct...
13 got all day...
14 hallway with the son of one of the attorneys...
15 Q. Okay. If you would, please. And that’s, what...
16 Q. You’re taking a lot of pictures of your ow...
17 MR. MERRETT: Well, I say that there is a...
18 THE COURT: You may...
19 interest of domestic tranquility...
20 United States Supreme Court had just issued a ruling in th...
21 don’t have a right to get right up in their noses to do it...
22 here on a matter of injunction. The law of injunction i...
23 extends to the agents or employees of an individual, tha...
24 being used by Mr. Minton; and, second, Mr. Minton is, in ...
25 commission of a criminal offense...
26 than an enemy of God-given rights that are guaranteed unde...
27 Mr. Hubbard’s principles, is exactly what the Firs...
28 All that it said is what the courts have bee...
29 collaterally attached; it’s not going to be modified...
30 evidence, that what was warranted was an injunction for ...
31 injunction that banned the poker from any of seventee...
32 find, that I think sheds some significant light on th...
33 Amendment rights by proxy. First Amendment rights are, b...
34 Your Honor, you have heard nothing whic...
35 jail in defense of free speech because that is the fabri...
36 And it is so black-letter law that it appear...
37 stay out of the face of these people. You can convey you...
38 don’t know why I did this. I brought my excerpt from i...
39 MR. MERRETT: Yes, sir. May we be excused...